Woah. It's been almost a year. I've been focussing on my other blog (click here) recently, and it's coming along nicely. But today, I just thought "I'm gonna do a blog post on The Little Box of Treasures". So... here I am. Hopefully I'm back to stay, but with A-Levels etc. it's gonna be tricky to post all the time... anyway I'm making something at the moment, I'll post it in a bit.
Much love
The Little Box of Treasures
Yes, I've started a blog now. You will never shut me up.
Welcome to The Little Box of Treasures, my blog. It's all about making jewellery, crocheting, baking, making caterpillar costumes for my 13 year-old brother, that sort of thing.
Sunday, 1 January 2012
Tuesday, 31 May 2011
New Facebook Group!
Quick post! Just wanted to tell you about my new Facebook page :)
CLICK HERE and press 'Like' for updates about my jewellery business, The Little Treasure Box.
Spread the word :D
P.S. Will start selling properly over the summer, email thelittletreasurebox@hotmail.co.uk if you want to ask me something, or request something in particular!
CLICK HERE and press 'Like' for updates about my jewellery business, The Little Treasure Box.
Spread the word :D
P.S. Will start selling properly over the summer, email thelittletreasurebox@hotmail.co.uk if you want to ask me something, or request something in particular!
Monday, 30 May 2011
Sesame Street Cupcakes and Corset Update!
Hello, everyone!
Using a teaspoon, scoop up some of the cake mixture and scrape it into a case. I usually use another teaspoon to scrape the mixture off the first spoon, but you can use your finger.
They should be filled up just over half way, maybe about 2/3 of the way... each case should have around 3 teaspoons of mixture in. You could smooth the mixture down in each case so that it rises more evenly, which is especially useful if you're decorating the cakes.
For the Sesame Street cupcakes, divide the icing into four bowls and colour the icing yellow, blue, red and green. You can use liquid or paste food colouring. I used liquid, but it easier to get a more vibrant colour with paste food colouring.
Elmo ♥ (my personal favourite)
The Cookie Monster (if I was a Sesame Street character, I would definitely be him.)
All of them!
Here's my second attempt. These were the ones I made for my French lesson (you can probably see a bit of a French essay in the background of the photos haha!) Anyway, I made these ones slightly differently... I decided to use normal sized milky bar buttons for these, as I thought the giant ones were a bit big on cupcakes and would have worked better on muffins. For the Oscar cupcakes, I changed the icing colour by adding a bit of black food colouring to make his fur look slightly 'dirty'. I also made his mouth more of a half-moon shape.
It's half term so I thought I'd do another post to tell you what I've been up to :)
Firstly, I have discovered a rather amazing cooking/crafting/cupcake decorating channel (is that the right name?) on Youtube... anyways, she's called Yoyomax12 and has done some amazing videos on how to decorate cupcakes, one of my favourites being the Sesame Street cupcakes video. So, I decided to make some of my own for a French lesson... here are some photos:
Ok so I'm just gonna explain how I made the cupcakes... it's very easy :)
< These are the ingredients... I make a few extra cupcakes so there's more there, but the original recipe is 2 eggs, 100g self-raising flour, 100g soft butter/margerine and 100g caster sugar.
Oh yeah, and this recipe makes 12 cupcakes so you need a cupcake tray and 12 cases, silicone or just plain paper ones (as I said, I decided to make extra).
At this point, it's a good idea to turn on the oven to 180 degrees C, 350 degrees F, gas mark 4.
First, put all the ingredients into a bowl (make sure the butter is soft by the way, it makes it much easier).
Then, using a wooden spoon or electric mixer, mix the ingredients together until they're smooth like this.
They should be filled up just over half way, maybe about 2/3 of the way... each case should have around 3 teaspoons of mixture in. You could smooth the mixture down in each case so that it rises more evenly, which is especially useful if you're decorating the cakes.
Bake the cakes in the oven for around 20-25 minutes, until they're golden brown and spring back when lightly pressed. You can also tell if they're cooked by putting a clean metal skewer in them. If the skewer has no cake mixture on it when it comes out, the cakes are done.
Now for the icing, I think it's about 100g butter and 125g icing sugar (called powdered sugar in some places I believe). I could be wrong, but to be honest, it's not vital that you get this right, just vary the amounts depending on how creamy you want the icing to be. For example, if you're just spreading icing on the cupcakes, it can be quite soft, so you can add more butter, however, if you're piping feathers for Big Bird, etc., I'd add more sugar because it makes it stiffer and therefore holds its shape better.
Anyway, cream the butter in a bowl and gradually add the sugar, mixing slowly at first so the sugar doesn't go eveywhere (which is easily done haha). Once you've added all the icing sugar, keep mixing until it's smooth. You might want to sift the icing sugar into the bowl, but you don't have to. For the rest of the decorations, I used mini cookies, smarties (or you can use M&Ms), giant milky bar buttons, black writing icing and decorating icing (the ones that come with different types of tips).
For the rest of the decorating instructions, look on Youtube for Yoyomax12's video... I might be uploading a short video soon as well because I made the Big Bird cupcake slightly differently (with yellow fondant icing for the beak). Anyway, this is Big Bird.
Oscar the Grouch. Elmo ♥ (my personal favourite)
The Cookie Monster (if I was a Sesame Street character, I would definitely be him.)
All of them!
Here's my second attempt. These were the ones I made for my French lesson (you can probably see a bit of a French essay in the background of the photos haha!) Anyway, I made these ones slightly differently... I decided to use normal sized milky bar buttons for these, as I thought the giant ones were a bit big on cupcakes and would have worked better on muffins. For the Oscar cupcakes, I changed the icing colour by adding a bit of black food colouring to make his fur look slightly 'dirty'. I also made his mouth more of a half-moon shape.

I also made the Big Bird cupcakes differently. Last time, I couldn't be bothered to pipe the icing the way it said on the video, but this time I had a go. They look so much better! As I said earlier, though, I'd recommend putting a bit more icing sugar in the icing if you're doing this so the feathers keep their shape. I also made my own black icing for the eyes, mouths and Oscar's eyebrows because I thought the writing icing wasn't thick enough.
Let me know what you think of these cupcakes, and have a look at the video on Youtube, it's really easy to find!
Moving on, the corset is coming along very nicely... I've almost finished the edging and then I'll just need to put the eyelets and the lacing on. I think I MIGHT finish it today if I'm lucky. Having said that, I've just realised that it's half four... Well, I'll do my best. It should be finished in the next few weeks at most. I'll upload pictures and instructions as soon as I can after it's finished (would post some pictures now but I don't want to spoil it!)
LOVEyou ;)
P.S. Anyone watch Doctor Who?!
P.P.S. Thanks to Kalyani (or "Kawani" heehee) for taking photos of the most recent cupcakes!
sesame street,
Sunday, 13 March 2011
Long Time No See...
Hey guys....
So I feel kinda guilty. I haven't posted since October. How ridiculous.
Anyway, I shouldn't really make excuses, but I'll blame A-levels. Seriously, I have no time anymore...
So, an update... I'm hoping to post again later about something more specific but here's just a general update of what I've been up to since October...
Hallowe'en was great- I've got into the habbit of making my own costumes for Hallowe'en and last year, I adapted my birthday Alice in Wonderland costume to make it an Undead Alice in Wonderland costume... I was inspired to do this by some pictures I found on the Internet a while ago- of 'twisted' Disney princesses. The artist did one of Alice in Wonderland, and I love it. Just looking at it makes me feel evil...
Here are a few more pictures...
Christmas was also good- as it always is- and I was given a vampire-inspired knitting book (I'm making something from it at the moment, if I ever finish, I'll post pictures)...
Otherwise, I have a confession to make... I have recently become obsessed with underwear. Well, I was always in love with it, but I think my obsession has grown in the past few months...
Anyways, about a month ago, I attempted to make a pair of knickers... didn't really work, but I was quite proud of my efforts seeing as I made up the pattern completely.... anyway, they turned out like elephant-pants for some reason... seriously, they were enourmous.
But, what I think is the most exciting news is that I have recently started to (attempt to) make a corset. I must be mad, but hey ho, welcome to my crazy world. As I said earlier, I'm hoping to post again today with more details (and pictures) of my 'corset'... watch this space :)
Last little thing... I've been watching a lot of Disney Classics recently, and they've really inspired me... so I wouldn't be surprised if I start a new Disney project in the next few weeks.
Best go now, homework calls...
Lots of love ^_^
P.S. Visit my facebook group. Do it. Now.
P.P.S. Rafiki from The Lion King is pretty cool. He's the baboon, by the way.
So I feel kinda guilty. I haven't posted since October. How ridiculous.
Anyway, I shouldn't really make excuses, but I'll blame A-levels. Seriously, I have no time anymore...
So, an update... I'm hoping to post again later about something more specific but here's just a general update of what I've been up to since October...
Hallowe'en was great- I've got into the habbit of making my own costumes for Hallowe'en and last year, I adapted my birthday Alice in Wonderland costume to make it an Undead Alice in Wonderland costume... I was inspired to do this by some pictures I found on the Internet a while ago- of 'twisted' Disney princesses. The artist did one of Alice in Wonderland, and I love it. Just looking at it makes me feel evil...
Here are a few more pictures...
My whole costume (oh, and I turned out I was the only one who bothered to dress up properly ¬_¬) |
Christmas was also good- as it always is- and I was given a vampire-inspired knitting book (I'm making something from it at the moment, if I ever finish, I'll post pictures)...
Otherwise, I have a confession to make... I have recently become obsessed with underwear. Well, I was always in love with it, but I think my obsession has grown in the past few months...
Anyways, about a month ago, I attempted to make a pair of knickers... didn't really work, but I was quite proud of my efforts seeing as I made up the pattern completely.... anyway, they turned out like elephant-pants for some reason... seriously, they were enourmous.
But, what I think is the most exciting news is that I have recently started to (attempt to) make a corset. I must be mad, but hey ho, welcome to my crazy world. As I said earlier, I'm hoping to post again today with more details (and pictures) of my 'corset'... watch this space :)
Last little thing... I've been watching a lot of Disney Classics recently, and they've really inspired me... so I wouldn't be surprised if I start a new Disney project in the next few weeks.
Best go now, homework calls...
Lots of love ^_^
P.S. Visit my facebook group. Do it. Now.
P.P.S. Rafiki from The Lion King is pretty cool. He's the baboon, by the way.
alice in wonderland,
Sunday, 17 October 2010
Keeping Up To Date
Hello my dearest people!
Just a quick post to tell you how to keep up to date with The Little Treasure Box! Even though this kinda does but...
Anyways, I've set up a Facebook group. Please join, it's an open group so you don't have to be my friend! Plus you can have a little browse through my jewellery pictures, as the business side of this is going to be mainly jewellery, although I'll be expanding it as I get more orders :).
Hey, you! Yes, YOU!! Join my Facebook group :).
Which reminds me...
I am starting to properly sell jewellery. Here's some info about it:
1. I make necklaces, earrings, bracelets, some brooches and rings, and bookmarks, but I'm making new stuff all the time!
2. Don't be afraid to request jewellery- if I know you, we can meet up, go for a drink and discuss ideas! If not, or if you live far away, you can always e-mail me at thelittletreasurebox@hotmail.co.uk and we can talk about what type of jewellery you want.
3. Some of my ready-made pieces are also available to buy- just e-mail me again!
4. Pricing varies depending on what you want to buy and how long it took me to make. As a rough guide, though, earrings start at around £5, bracelets from around £7 and necklaces from around £10. Sets are also available- at a great price! A necklace and bracelet set can cost around £11. However, prices are always changing, and some pieces can be much more expensive. For example, I'm making some earrings at the moment that are going to have to cost at least £7, probably more, because they have taken me at least 2 hours to make one.
5. I can gift wrap it for you, for around £1-3 extra. Although your jewellery will come nicely presented anyway!
6. I can't take credit card, although hopefully I will soon be selling on Etsy, in which case, I will be able to!
7. I also do repairs. If a piece of jewellery I have made for you breaks, I can repair it for free, even if you broke it yourself (having said that, it doesn't normally!). If you want another piece of jewellery mended, I cen mend it for very little- depending on how big the damage is! I might even do it for free if it's just a quick job :).
For more info, as I said, e-mail me!
P.S. HALF TERM!! Hooray!!
P.P.S. I am planning a range of Nancy-style jewellery (from Oliver). No, this does not mean prostitute-style jewellery, but old-fashioned, Victorian-style. Watch this space!
P.P.P.S. One last thing: it has been suggested that I make jewellery to go with people's outfits. Post a picture on my Facebook group of your favourite outfit and I'll make some jewellery to go with it!
Just a quick post to tell you how to keep up to date with The Little Treasure Box! Even though this kinda does but...
Anyways, I've set up a Facebook group. Please join, it's an open group so you don't have to be my friend! Plus you can have a little browse through my jewellery pictures, as the business side of this is going to be mainly jewellery, although I'll be expanding it as I get more orders :).
Hey, you! Yes, YOU!! Join my Facebook group :).
Which reminds me...
I am starting to properly sell jewellery. Here's some info about it:
1. I make necklaces, earrings, bracelets, some brooches and rings, and bookmarks, but I'm making new stuff all the time!
2. Don't be afraid to request jewellery- if I know you, we can meet up, go for a drink and discuss ideas! If not, or if you live far away, you can always e-mail me at thelittletreasurebox@hotmail.co.uk and we can talk about what type of jewellery you want.
3. Some of my ready-made pieces are also available to buy- just e-mail me again!
4. Pricing varies depending on what you want to buy and how long it took me to make. As a rough guide, though, earrings start at around £5, bracelets from around £7 and necklaces from around £10. Sets are also available- at a great price! A necklace and bracelet set can cost around £11. However, prices are always changing, and some pieces can be much more expensive. For example, I'm making some earrings at the moment that are going to have to cost at least £7, probably more, because they have taken me at least 2 hours to make one.
5. I can gift wrap it for you, for around £1-3 extra. Although your jewellery will come nicely presented anyway!
6. I can't take credit card, although hopefully I will soon be selling on Etsy, in which case, I will be able to!
7. I also do repairs. If a piece of jewellery I have made for you breaks, I can repair it for free, even if you broke it yourself (having said that, it doesn't normally!). If you want another piece of jewellery mended, I cen mend it for very little- depending on how big the damage is! I might even do it for free if it's just a quick job :).
For more info, as I said, e-mail me!
P.S. HALF TERM!! Hooray!!
P.P.S. I am planning a range of Nancy-style jewellery (from Oliver). No, this does not mean prostitute-style jewellery, but old-fashioned, Victorian-style. Watch this space!
P.P.P.S. One last thing: it has been suggested that I make jewellery to go with people's outfits. Post a picture on my Facebook group of your favourite outfit and I'll make some jewellery to go with it!
Monday, 27 September 2010
Knitting Again...
It's so sad how I haven't posted in agessss :(
My friend, Hannah, reminded me that a new post is needed (thanks Hannah! :D)
So what have I been up to recently? Wellllll...
Last Saturday I went to Leicester with my friend Gracie :) we went to a book shop where I bought a knitting book called 'Knitting Mochimochi' by Anna Hrachovec... it tells you how to make AMAZING knitted toys, etc... I'm currently knitting what is called in the book a 'Love Muff' but which I have renamed 'Hand-Warmer', due to a bit of teasing whilst I was happily knitting in the common room at school :/ haha. Anyway, it's one of those long tubey things that do the same thing as a pair of gloves. Google it. Next on the agenda- slippers that look like animals xD. I have had so many people coming up to me going 'make me this'.
Here's a link to the Mochimochi Land website
Also, (again thanks to Hannah) I have been introduced to the wonders of Vistaprint. Despite the huge charges for postage and tax, I have ordered 250 business cards and 2 calendars!! I'm so excited, as I have just been informed that my order should arrive on Wednesday!! I will maybe post some pictures of the things I have ordered then :D.
Because of these business cards, I have also created a new e-mail address. Please e-mail me at thelittletreasurebox@hotmail.co.uk if you have any questions, requests for jewellery, or just fancy a bit of a chat :).
Although it looks like I've been up to a lot recently, I haven't really- sixth form is so much work! When I get a chance, I'm gonna try to get together some material and stuff for my Thumbelina beetle ball party dress (see previous post)- I really want to get going with that!
But now, alas, I have to do my english essay :(
P.S. I hope you're all planning your Hallowe'en costumes? :)
My friend, Hannah, reminded me that a new post is needed (thanks Hannah! :D)
So what have I been up to recently? Wellllll...
Last Saturday I went to Leicester with my friend Gracie :) we went to a book shop where I bought a knitting book called 'Knitting Mochimochi' by Anna Hrachovec... it tells you how to make AMAZING knitted toys, etc... I'm currently knitting what is called in the book a 'Love Muff' but which I have renamed 'Hand-Warmer', due to a bit of teasing whilst I was happily knitting in the common room at school :/ haha. Anyway, it's one of those long tubey things that do the same thing as a pair of gloves. Google it. Next on the agenda- slippers that look like animals xD. I have had so many people coming up to me going 'make me this'.
Here's a link to the Mochimochi Land website
Also, (again thanks to Hannah) I have been introduced to the wonders of Vistaprint. Despite the huge charges for postage and tax, I have ordered 250 business cards and 2 calendars!! I'm so excited, as I have just been informed that my order should arrive on Wednesday!! I will maybe post some pictures of the things I have ordered then :D.
Because of these business cards, I have also created a new e-mail address. Please e-mail me at thelittletreasurebox@hotmail.co.uk if you have any questions, requests for jewellery, or just fancy a bit of a chat :).
Although it looks like I've been up to a lot recently, I haven't really- sixth form is so much work! When I get a chance, I'm gonna try to get together some material and stuff for my Thumbelina beetle ball party dress (see previous post)- I really want to get going with that!
But now, alas, I have to do my english essay :(
P.S. I hope you're all planning your Hallowe'en costumes? :)
Sunday, 5 September 2010
Oh, muffin, how I love you.
Who needs boys when you have muffins? Muffins will ALWAYS love you, and be loyal to you. Unless you burn them.
And do you know what muffins will ESPECIALLY always love you? Delicious low-fat raspberry muffins.
We were going to cook the muffins in my new silicone muffin cases I got for my birthday so we could save the planet, but then we discovered that then there were only 6 so we settled for saving the planet divided by 2...
Next on the agenda- blueberry muffins :) yum! And George doesn't like non-chocolate muffins so all for me :) (and mum and dad.... if they can eat them in time heehee)
Now go forth and make muffins, my muffin minions... <--ooh alliteration!
P.S. I hope this post didn't sound euphemistic in any way. You've gotta be so careful nowadays...
P.P.S. Hats are coming along very nicely :)
Who needs boys when you have muffins? Muffins will ALWAYS love you, and be loyal to you. Unless you burn them.
And do you know what muffins will ESPECIALLY always love you? Delicious low-fat raspberry muffins.
Like the kind me and my mum made yesterday xD
The ingrediants- flour, sugar, baking powder, butter (actually margerine, we are attempting a diet haha) |
Raspberrys- one of my favourite fruits. I love the colour :) This packet was 170g but we only needed 150g so we got to eat some (yesss) |
The finished muffins- omnomnomnom ;) |
We were going to cook the muffins in my new silicone muffin cases I got for my birthday so we could save the planet, but then we discovered that then there were only 6 so we settled for saving the planet divided by 2...
Next on the agenda- blueberry muffins :) yum! And George doesn't like non-chocolate muffins so all for me :) (and mum and dad.... if they can eat them in time heehee)
Now go forth and make muffins, my muffin minions... <--ooh alliteration!
P.S. I hope this post didn't sound euphemistic in any way. You've gotta be so careful nowadays...
P.P.S. Hats are coming along very nicely :)
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