So I feel kinda guilty. I haven't posted since October. How ridiculous.
Anyway, I shouldn't really make excuses, but I'll blame A-levels. Seriously, I have no time anymore...
So, an update... I'm hoping to post again later about something more specific but here's just a general update of what I've been up to since October...
Hallowe'en was great- I've got into the habbit of making my own costumes for Hallowe'en and last year, I adapted my birthday Alice in Wonderland costume to make it an Undead Alice in Wonderland costume... I was inspired to do this by some pictures I found on the Internet a while ago- of 'twisted' Disney princesses. The artist did one of Alice in Wonderland, and I love it. Just looking at it makes me feel evil...
Here are a few more pictures...
My whole costume (oh, and I turned out I was the only one who bothered to dress up properly ¬_¬) |
Christmas was also good- as it always is- and I was given a vampire-inspired knitting book (I'm making something from it at the moment, if I ever finish, I'll post pictures)...
Otherwise, I have a confession to make... I have recently become obsessed with underwear. Well, I was always in love with it, but I think my obsession has grown in the past few months...
Anyways, about a month ago, I attempted to make a pair of knickers... didn't really work, but I was quite proud of my efforts seeing as I made up the pattern completely.... anyway, they turned out like elephant-pants for some reason... seriously, they were enourmous.
But, what I think is the most exciting news is that I have recently started to (attempt to) make a corset. I must be mad, but hey ho, welcome to my crazy world. As I said earlier, I'm hoping to post again today with more details (and pictures) of my 'corset'... watch this space :)
Last little thing... I've been watching a lot of Disney Classics recently, and they've really inspired me... so I wouldn't be surprised if I start a new Disney project in the next few weeks.
Best go now, homework calls...
Lots of love ^_^
P.S. Visit my facebook group. Do it. Now.
P.P.S. Rafiki from The Lion King is pretty cool. He's the baboon, by the way.